Manage Your Social Groups Effortlessly!
If you have a group of social golfers and you organize events from time to time, then myGolf2u is the right solution for you.
Are you tired of manually entering scores into a spreadsheet or even into a handicap system? Does it take ages to update everyone’s handicap? Is it very time consuming to organise and manage tournaments? Do you have to manually enter tournament scores into a system or spreadsheet? Do you run leagues which needs constant attention and update?
Look no further! myGolf2u handles all these aspects for you and allows you to manage your social group. We provide the following features for social clubs and organizers:

Booking & Registration – social clubs, social distancing responsibility!
Covid-19 is here to stay! That is what the experts are telling us. The less interaction your members have with club administrators and the more social distancing they observe, the safer they all will be and the more golf everyone can play! myGolf2u’s Booking & Registration allows your members to find available slots in any participating club, secure a booking immediately and later, from the comfort of their homes, start the self-registration and check-in process. Players can define their playing partners, their buggy and caddie requirements, seating arrangement, food or drinks and even book their favourite caddie! If they cannot find a fourth, third or even second ball, they can post their tee time to their friends or the public myGolf2u group, who will see these postings and can join their game. The process includes payment so that they do not have to go to the registration desk at the club. Players can pay for themselves so there is no divvying up at the club, again less money handling and less chance of spreading the Coronavirus. The final check-in process is just before players arrive at the club. This will inform the Caddie Master of their ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), at which point they will have the flight’s buggies, caddies and any ordered food or drinks ready for them. They simply drop their bags and head to the tee box. Once the game is complete, players are presented with a review form to rate their caddie, club and the App itself.
Membership Management – improve communication with your members!
Since all members will be using myGolf2u in some form or other, you have a powerful ability to interact with them through the App.
Notices, Handicaps, Tournaments, Membership Details and of course Booking & Registration are but to mention a few.
Where necessary, you as the social club administrator, can update member details from time to time and this sends an email out to both parties informing them of the changes.

Tournament Management – streamline processes from A to Z!
Tournament Management in many clubs is a little haphazard and leaves members and visitors with a feeling that things could have always been done better.
With myGolf2u, as soon as you post your tournament, it is a available for players to see. All aspects of the tournament such as the name, description, rules, dates, registration period, format of play, sponsor etc. can all be defined and made visible to players. You can also send out emails to inform them of the upcoming tournament.
When registration closes, you can generate the flight draw with a touch of a button based on desired parameters. Of course manual editing is available to fine tune the flight draw. Again the flight draw is visible to the players so if the tournament is a one or two point start, players don’t have to rush into the club at 7 a.m. only to find they are teeing off at 10 a.m.
One of the important aspects of myGolf2u tournaments is that it allows for live electronic scoring. This means the club can assign scorers for each flight and players can see whom they are scoring for on the app. Everyone scores electronically and when the last putt is sunk, the results are available, but for the final OCB (On Count Back) calculation.
During the game, players can view their scorecards as well the overall leaderboard right from their phone. Back at the club house monitors can also display the live leaderboard for staff or spectators. Once the tournament is finalized, you can print various reports, including the winner report based on various format. The tournament and all its data will remain indefinitely in the club’s cloud segment for future reference.

myGolf2u uses the latest USGA & WHS2020 rules of handicap calculation, one of which is that handicaps should be reported promptly, unlike some of the current systems that take up to a month to provide the results.
With myGolf2u, when players submit their scores for their normal games or tournaments, their handicaps are calculated immediately and displayed to them in the App. All historical rounds are presented for the player to see, with the latest twenty rounds clearly indicating the top ten that are used for handicap calculation.
As a club, if you subscribe to the handicap feature, myGolf2u provides you with a bundle that can be used to assign to your members. You can avoid the laborious and error prone process of collecting scorecards, manually entering them into a handicapping system then waiting for days to update everyone’s handicap. Meanwhile, you may have new tournaments but the results provided by these manual systems would not reflect a player’s latest handicap.
myGolf2u eliminates all such manual processes and ambiguities surrounding players’ handicaps.

League Management – present league standings with no effort!
If you run any type of league, you will know that the administration of collecting scorecards, manually entering them into spreadsheets, updating league or Order Of Merit leave you exhausted at the end of each tournament.
myGolf2u’s league management allows you to simply define the leagues, add tournaments to the league seasons and let the process run itself. Players score electronically, results are accumulated based on your league rules and the results are there for everyone to see all the way till the last tournament and of course stored indefinitely on the cloud thereafter.
Let us modernize your golf management software!
Contact us today for a demo and quotation. Our solution is attractively priced and uses the latest, state-of-the-art technology. It is cloud based, uses Apps and Browsers, not PC installations!